

How to Minimize the Impact of Cigarette Smoke

The dangers of cigarette smoke have been known for some time. In the United States, smoking cigarettes kills more people than motor vehicle accidents, HIV/AIDS, guns, and alcohol – combined.

Smoking shortens the average lifespan of an individual by more than 10 years.

If you must smoke, there are two ways you can focus on minimizing the impact of cigarette smoke in your life. One is to ensure that you are consistent about getting the smoke smell out of your car or your home.

The second is to ensure that you are replacing the nutrients that are being removed from your body because of the impact that cigarettes have on your health. Although any smoking habit will increase the risks of experiencing a health issue, there are steps you can begin taking today to lower that risk.

Better Nutrition Makes a Big Difference for Smokers

There are 5 key items in which smokers tend to be deficient. By focusing on removing these deficiencies, it is possible to limit the damage that cigarettes may try to cause.

1. Vitamin E. Smoking increases the risk of atherosclerosis, which causes arteries to narrow and harden. If left uncontrolled, the risk of a heart attack increases with this health condition. Because cigarettes change cholesterol balances in the body, eating foods like dark, leafy green vegetables can get you the extra Vitamin E you may need.

2. Vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for the functioning of the immune system. It also maintains Vitamin E levels for the body. Having extra Vitamin C every day can reduce a receding gum line as well. Eating more citrus fruit is an easy way to add this vitamin to your diet. Certain supplements may be useful for some individuals as well.

3. Omega-3s. Adding this fatty acid to your diet can help to mitigate the damage that cigarettes can cause. It has an immediate impact on the flexibility of the arteries and can minimize acute inflammation that the particles of cigarette smoke can leave behind.

4. Water. Drinking 16 ounces of water more than normal every day can help to flush the toxins out of the body. Because the kidneys tend to store these chemicals, the extra water can help it be removed as waste. Drinking more water can also reduce nicotine urges and other factors so that you may be able to cut back on what you smoke.

5. Green Tea. Green tea is an immune system booster and it helps to remove free radicals from the body. It will also eliminate the smoke odor that lingers on your breath after having a smoke. The risks of cancer can be cut by up to 50% for smokers who drink up to 6 cups of green tea daily.

Additional nutrients to focus on include magnesium, Vitamin D, and calcium depending on your unique health needs.

Minimizing the impact of cigarettes is an important aspect of life in many different ways. From the home to your personal health, take the steps needed to protect yourself and those you love today.

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